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At Mission Men Ministries we are called and empowered to coach, train, equip and disciple men for leadership.

We believe God has uniquely designed and empowered every man to take the lead

in the family, workplace, church and nations! 


We would love to connect with you!  We are here to help you in any way we can. If you would like to connect with us or to send a prayer request, you can use the contact form below to do so.  



The outlines contained in this Impact Group are inspired by the story of the eleven (11) mighty men of Gad found in 1 Chronicles chapter 12.   


These were the men of Gad who took a risk to seek after David when he was a fugitive in hiding from the murderous King Saul. Saul was disqualified by God for his disobedience and so God instructed the Prophet Samuel to find and anoint a new King.  So, David (a type of Christ) was anointed King but his time to take his rightful place as the new King had not yet come. These mighty men of Gad (the Gadites) left their comfort, security and families behind to exalt Dave as their King!   




The arrival of these eleven (11) mighty men greatly strengthened David and strategically helped him build and mobilize his growing army! These mighty men of Gad became the much-needed Generals in David’s elite army. This army became so mighty in battle that it resembled the army of God! (1 Chronicles 12:22)   


​In this strategic time in history like the mighty men of Gad, God is calling out a mighty remnant of men to fight and lead.  He is calling us to make a bold move to seek after him with our whole hearts. He is calling us to take bold action by exalting Jesus as Lord over every area of our lives no matter the cost! 

In Part One we take a compelling look at God’s original design for leadership in His creation of man.  It’s important to note that the term MAN is plural and it means man-kind. In this life changing teaching we will explore the original concept of leadership and man’s relationship with God before the fall.  What did we lose when (The first Adam) fell into sin? What was restored in us when Jesus Christ the (Second Adam) redeemed us thought the cross?  The conclusion of this message and the Biblical answers to these compelling questions will leave the hearers with a sense of wonder and empowerment.  Get ready to launch out in a new confidence and boldness to do what God put in your heart to do!  This is a massage and teaching every disciple of Christ needs to hear!    

Key Verses:  Matthew 28:18-20, Genesis 2:7, Genesis 1:27-28, Psalm 8:4-6 and Roman 5:17.

LEADERSHIP--God's Master Plan (Part Two)

In Part Two we sit at the feet of Jesus as He teaches his disciples about the true meaning of leadership in the Kingdom of God. You will be surprised and inspired by how Jesus pinpoints the stark difference between the leadership of this world and the Leadership of the Kingdom.  We will also take an insightful and surprising look at the a few key words in the original Greek language that Jesus used in His teaching.  This empowering teaching also includes a practical and inspirational call to servant leadership. But it doesn’t end here.  How can we stand strong as Leaders in the Kingdom in in the face of temptation? What happens if we fail the test of temptation and sin?  We need never loose heart because Jesus made a way for us to be forgiven and set free!  This practical teaching will give every disciple of Christ a biblical blueprint for victorious Kingdom leadership!    

Key Verses: Matthew 20:20-28, John 15:5, Philippians 4:13, Colossians 3:2-4 and Luke 9:23.

BUILDING SMALL GROUPS--That Are Dynamic & Life-Changing

In this inspiring teaching we begin with a Biblical blueprint for small group ministry given to us by Jesus himself. We learn how Small Groups are dynamic and life-changing because Small Groups are intentional, they don’t just happen by chance. We are empowered by God to launch groups!  Small Groups are designed to be gatherings of protection where we care and fight for one another! Small Groups are dynamic because the Holy Spirit is there among us. He leads and guides us and He is the only one who can change us and set us free!


This teaching is filled with real life examples and stories of life change and victory. A very interesting part of the teaching is when I share THE 7 TRUTH’S I WISH I LEARNED BEFORE I LAUNCHED MY FIRST GROUP! The teaching concluded with an impassioned call to action!

Key Verses:  Acts 4:31, Mark 3:13-14, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Acts 20:28 and Philippians 4:13.


In this 12 week group study we will discover a dynamic strategy for leading Holy Spirit empowered groups for transformation and Kingdom expansion.  This is a study from the new book “Launching & Leading Impact Groups” by Keith A. Johnson. 

The Word of God inspired blueprints and strategies contained in this book and study have been developed, tested and refined in the process of launching and building real Impact Groups. Groups that continue to produce real life transformation and leadership multiplication! Armed with Word of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit I’ve had the amazing opportunity of watching the Holy Spirit work through us as we’ve built teams and launching a wide variety of Impact Groups.  I believe God has a mighty plan to use our lives and develop our leadership skills so that He can minister to the ones he will entrust to us as His Kingdom leaders!

LEADERSHIFT--Advanced Leadership Training

LEADERSHIFT is a 12 week intensive study group designed to equip Disciples of Christ to take the lead by doing the work of the ministry and building the Kingdom.  The Kingdom of God is advanced through the Body of Christ as Leaders are equipped and empowered!  Are you ready to make the SHIF that is necessary to be a Kingdom Leaders?  

LEADERSHIFT is broken into two parts: In Parts 1 thru 6 will focus primarily on the leader’s heart and motive for leadership. We start with the “WHY” and then we go to the “HOW”.  In Parts 6 thru 12 we will focus on the Leadership skills and actions.  LEADERSHIFT is an intensive study.  This means we will be covering a broad range of topics.  This class will require intense focus and at home study.  LEADERSHIFT IS designed for serious Disciples of Christ who are looking to be challenged to go to the next level of leadership and effectiveness in the Kingdom. 


Kingdom Authority is a 12 week Impact Group designed to empower men to not just learn about the Kingdom but to actually experience the Kingdom’s power and authority by making it the central purpose of our lives.  The Kingdom was the central purpose of Christ's entire life and ministry.  Jesus did not come to start a new religion, He came to establish a Kingdom!  Through Christ we are now official citizens of the Kingdom and God has given us power and authority to take dominion over every area of our lives.  We have been given spiritual keys for gaining access to the many resources and privileges of the Kingdom of God.  When God’s men understand and embrace the Kingdom they become dangerous to the enemy!  We walk in a new authority and our lives and families are changed forever!  


The Ministry of The Holy Spirit is a life changing 12 week Impact Group designed to equip God's men to live and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.  This Impact Group is centered on building a dynamic relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit and understanding how to embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  When men discover that Jesus secured the Holy Spirit to be our life, strength, wisdom and power for living they are eager to be mightily used by God in every sphere of life.  When men are filled with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit they are no longer passive, withdrawn or harassed by the enemy—NOW these men are standing up and confronting every challenge, the Holy Spirit is leading and empowering them—they are attacking the enemy and winning the battle that has already been won!

Key verses:  Joel 2:28-29, Matthew 3:11, Mark 16:17, Acts 1:5; 2:1-4, 17, 38-39; 8:14-17; 10:38, 44-47; 11:15-17; 19:1-6.


UFC is a life changing 12 week Impact Group designed to equip God's men and call them into the battle.  UFC is centered on building the IDENTITY of Christ in the hearts of every man.  When men discover who God created them to BE they are eager to make a run after Him and enter into the battle.  No longer are men passive, withdrawn or harassed by the enemy—NOW men are standing up and confronting every challenge, they are no longer on the defensive—they are attacking the enemy and winning the battle that has already been won!

Why is UFC so dangerous?  Simply because God put men in the place of authority to be leaders in the home, the work place and the Church!  Men are dangerous to the kingdom of darkness because God created them to walk in authority and power!  When men walk in authority under the Lordship of Christ they establish and advance the Kingdom where ever they go! 

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This is a strategic hour in the Body of Christ were God is accelerating the development of leaders in preparation for the advancement of the Kingdom in every part of society. The real question is are you ready to give your life and make a radical commitment to becoming the leader God called you to be?  THIS IS YOUR TIME--JUMP IN! 

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